Our Supporters

We have a host of local Cornish businesses supporting our tree planting mission. If you’d like to join the Carbon Offset Cornwall supporters, please get in touch and we’ll find a planting package to suit your business needs. All contributions make a difference, you can offset part of your unavoidable emissions, all of your emissions or go above and beyond and plant even more.

Every tree will make a difference, no matter how small, to the levels of carbon in the atmosphere, biodiversity in the local area and provide habitats for wildlife. We work with arboricultural experts to plant the right trees in the right place and put every measure in place to help them reach maturity.

If you and your business care about your impact on the environment, and the future of woodlands in England, becoming our supporter is a fantastic place to start and show you’re actively making a difference on home turf. When you become a regular supporter, you will receive personalised logos, banners and social media assets to spread the word and demonstrate to your clients what actions you're taking to future-proof our planet. Are you ready to plant?

Thank you to all those listed below for supporting our tree planting projects in Cornwall.