How it works

We collect contributions from individuals and businesses to plant trees in Cornwall. Our supporters’ money goes directly to covering all of the costs involved in tree planting. In exchange, you will receive confirmation of your contribution, with the number of trees you have helped to plant and an approximate location (no exact details are given to protect the privacy of landowners). By planting trees with us you will offset some of your unavoidable carbon emissions and therefore reduce your carbon footprint. Planting trees also provides a host of co-benefits such as increasing biodiversity, restoring woodlands and creating wildlife habitats in Cornwall. Make a start by following these three simple steps:

1) Reduce your emissions

It’s important to first reduce your emissions and offset any that are unavoidable through emission reduction projects such as tree planting. Click here for advice on how to reduce your emissions.

2) Find the right subscription for you

To make the process as easy as possible, we have created 5 subscription options for individuals, families and businesses as well as an option to buy a single tree. Click here to find the right subscription for you.

3) Plant your trees

For just £12.00 per tree, you can help get native trees planted and maintained in Cornwall. Click here to start planting. You will receive a personalised certificate as evidence of your contribution.

What the £12.00 per tree cost covers:

  • The bare root native tree (we plant native species sourced from UK nurseries chosen to best suit each individual site while maximising biodiversity).

  • An FSC hardwood stake.

  • A protective tree guard to prevent young bark and shoots from being damaged.

  • Regular maintenance and site checks to help the trees survive until maturity.

  • The time and effort of our team to carefully plant trees and minimise soil disruption.

Why support our planting projects:

  • You are supporting a small tree planting business based in Cornwall and therefore helping to create jobs and contribute to the local economy.

  • You are helping to restore native woodlands in Cornwall, creating wildlife habitats, increasing biodiversity and making use of otherwise unproductive land.

  • You are working with landowners in Cornwall who care about the environment and play an active role in ensuring our planting projects are protected for future generations.

  • Unlike other tree-planting projects, we regularly check our planting sites to ensure the trees are growing well, have not been tampered with and are free from disease. We will make every effort to help each tree reach maturity.


Not sure how many to plant?

Plant 1, 5, 10, 20 or as many trees as you like and know that your unavoidable carbon emissions are taken care of. The more trees planted, the more carbon is drawn from the atmosphere, and the more co-benefits are brought to life.

Stay updated

Our monthly newsletter will deliver the latest planting news direct to your inbox. We'll share how many trees we've planted, future plans and information on how to get involved in tree planting days.

Spread the word!

Sharing our work helps get trees in the ground. Businesses and individuals can contact us for logos and badges to add to their websites and social media pages. To see which businesses we’re supported by, click here.